Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Only Way I Could Find Happiness Was By Breaking My Own Heart First

Once again, I found myself hidden under my big comforter, unable to stop the tears from falling. To anyone who didn’t know better, it would seem as though my heart was broken, and I was grieving. In a way, this was the case, but it was not your typical heartbreak. This heartbreak was different entirely, and I was mourning something I (technically) had not lost yet.
The past year of my life had been spent adventuring with someone I considered to be my frenemy. It was someone I turned to with every new development in my life, good and bad. It was someone who knew me. It was someone who loved in all glory and all shame. But We didnt loved each other as we supposed to.
Of course, many people may think this makes us a heartless and selfish partner. They’re probably right. For a year, I had given him my everything, everything I could possibly offer.. Every thought was of him. I had completely neglected myself, my needs, my wants, and it had all comeback to bite me in the ass.
By nature, I am not a selfish person, but it was painfully clear that at that moment, I needed to be selfish. I needed to do it for my sake and for his.
I will never stop appreciating what an amazing person he is, and I still have a deep respect for him. If I didn’t, falling out of love with him would not have shattered my heart the way it did.


Sunday, March 15, 2015

Why No Matter How Much You Think You Do, You Never Really Know Anyone

We talk, we laugh, we cry, but do we know what goes on behind closed doors?
Behind the words, there might be complications, behind the laughter, there might be wistful smiles and behind the tears, there might be painful memories.
Thin walls separate one from millions and what’s on the other side creates all the confusion.
During an intent gaze, a curve on the lips, a crease on the forehead or a gesture of the hand, could there only be a single meaning behind each motion, or could it be a matter of a thousand?
The reasons make a mind, the mind combines with the soul and the combination creates a personality or the substance of a person.
You can never really know people because you can never really understand a personality, figure out the words behind the emotions or comprehend the perfections behind the imperfections.
It really isn’t possible to know someone just by talking or being with him or her.
Yes, you could be talking to your partner all the time before marriage, and you are certain that you know him, but are you 100 percent certain about your certainty?
Do you know if he puts the cap back on after using his toothpaste? Have you ever wondered what he would do if he spotted a beggar on the street? Do you know what he does if he wakes up in the middle of the night?
These are little things that are not really important, but when you think of it, one of these might just be a reason for your next argument. You just never know.
To be honest, as much as we make ourselves believe that we know people, we never actually do.
She closed her eyes and a teardrop fell. When asked what had happened, she would just say nothing. But, that “nothing” could mean everything.
He tilted his head up and laughed at the sky. When asked what was so funny, he would say nothing.
But, that could also mean every syllable in his mental conversation was way beyond his answer. People exist for a reason and reasons exist for people.
Individuals have different perspectives and different approaches. A masculine figure can exist as a father, a brother, a son, a husband or a friend.
Similarly, a feminine figure can exist as a mother, a sister, a daughter, a wife or a friend.
However, the most difficult equation of life exists here — an equation where the value of the unknown is infinite because we can never get to know people from all the angles they offer.
We realize later that we just knew them superficially when we found out the equations didn’t match.
We can never really know people, but we can understand certain people in our lives and based on that understanding, we create wonderful relationships that promise to last.
Ultimately, relationships break, not because you failed to know him or her, but because you failed to understand. Understand rather than know because the latter is within your capacity.
It’s not actually true that we realize the importance of certain people in our lives when they go away. The truth is we never imagine losing them until they make it reality.
Nevertheless, we should never stop them from leaving because if they choose to leave, it only means the roles they played in our individual stories are over.
Of course, new people will come in and fill holes made by the ones who left. On the canvas of life, we often go off color.
But, as long as there are special people to add the right shades, life goes on to be a rainbow.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Love Is Passionate: If You’ve Never Fought, You’re Not Really In Love

Love drives people crazy. Or rather, the way most people interpret love drives them crazy. Relationships have their ups and downs — like every other bit of life.
Things always seem ideal in the beginning, but inevitably turn ugly at one point or another.
The person you love with all your heart becomes your verbal punching bag.

You let your emotions get the best of you and instead of doing your best to understand those emotions, you lash out at your partner — the one person who is supposed to love, care and support you.

The same person you’re supposed to love, care and support yourself. Arguments are commonplace in a relationship. In fact, if you’ve never fought when in a relationship, then you’ve never been in love.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Hunch of finding a new one to share your life with

I’ve been thinking a lot about relationships lately. I’ve found they tend to be simple at their cores, but we complicate matters when we’re in them.
We’ve all experienced friends telling us complicated stories about things that are not right in their relationships, but in the same breath, they tell us how devastatingly in love their partner.
But, in the next breath, they tell us they’re not sure they’re meant to be together forever.
They tell us that though they love the person so much, they sometimes worry. They question their feelings.
They tell us story after story, some of which leave us believing that they’re meant to be, and several that leave us questioning why they ever got together in the first place.
When we recount these stories, we tend to think they’re simple. We tell others that they met at the wrong time or they’re just not right for each other at this very moment.
Perhaps, some day in the future, they’ll become the right people for one another. Just not now.
We tell people that they’re just too different, and from our perspective, this seems to be very clear. We can see where things unravel, why their fights last until dawn breaks and why each person is just too tired to keep things going.
Despite this perceived clarity, we watch them try. We see them struggle, fight after fight, with each tear as a painful reminder of another. -Elite.        

 And this is just another story of the one finding another one. After complicating such matters, they, them, we... I, just moved on. Continuing the life I would ever lived if a someone hasn't come to my life full of crossroads. Just like before, on going journey to the zigzag way is quite stressing and tiring. Until somebody, unexpectedly, and without of your concern joins your travel and gave you company.

Digging every single part and all of you. A new someone that is extremely way way way different to what we used to.

An another used to be.
A new, that has brought you a something new. A healer, and lover of your torned and pounded heart, a new that never brings back the memories but is creating a new and memorable ones. A new one to share your life with.

And you can say you fall in love again, you loved him.You have fall to that someone who enlightened the lamps of your dimmed heart.

I LOVED new, and I LOVE him.