Saturday, September 3, 2011


Do you realize that plenty of professors don't realize that they come off as terrorists? They aren't like your high school teachers anymore. How do you survive a terror and weird professors in your studies?

You assume that every time you see a professor or instructor standing in front of your class, that person is highly educated, qualified and competent to be there.

Maybe yes, maybe no.

I’m proudly introducing myself as a part of the class H-125. In the past three months that we have spent in the four corner room 326, I can strongly say that our class consists of stupendous students who are very much talkative, DOTA addicts, music lovers, dancers, energetic, exciting and out of the box but very brilliant students.

But when the clock’s hand touches the 8:30, things change. It seems like the clear sky became dark with lightnings and thunders in just a second. A hand touches the doorknob and slowly pull it and then BOOOM! A professor came out from nowhere. Seems like a pastor walk in the room. Oh yes folks, its ENGLISH TIME! Donne Robert’s favorite subject.

Let’s start the discussion with the golden question, what is Grammar? Then Vocabulary and Communication? Followed by what is Success? Oh men, in the past three months that we are discussing these words, still, we can’t perfect the so called “exam” of that human being. I always hear the word “bitch” from my blockmates that describes what we feel when she comes, as well as the expression “mehgawd” pleasing somebody to close the door so she can’t enter the room. A sentence I recall from her, “you like English huh, You like it?.” And the whole class raised their hands saying that they all like English class. LOL. Knowing that a while ago, before the subject comes, we all want to leave and cut class especially Combalicer. The capricious, priceless and cutest student of our class and also the apple of the eye of every professors. One thing, when professor read the surname Ogawa, she always ask if Yuki is a Japanese. Asking again and again and again and again and again ….. WTF ?

There are times that even you push, work hard and put a lot of efforts in teaching, still its not enough. Like our 7:00 class. A weird human being enters the room and always start the class with a prayer. A god-centered person who says that God HAS A NAME! Oh well, she said it! What a headache. One of the reasons why our boys like Pacheco, do the dirty finger while our JPL prof is writing on the whiteboard. She even spells world peace as “world piece”. I’m not good in spelling but what the hell is that?

The possession of being a PROFESSOR is equivalent to GODLIKE status. It is not always the case. Basically, we wish to have an eject button to push when we want to eject the professor. Or even we wish to have a Kelen’s Dagger so that we can go out the room in 1200 range when we feel like we are almost to puke in a subject.

But in reality, no matter how the professor tore and grind our brain into chips with their teaching styles and techniques, still, they are the one who hold our grades or should I say the one who hold our “futures”. Even we want to vomit their subjects ,still, we will swallow our vomits just to have good grades. Because in real world, Professors are like Passengers, like a customer who are always right.

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